Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Assignment #4

AJ’s mother tried the intervention plan, however it did not work well with AJ. AJ’s mother rewarded AJ with a treat for not being aggressive towards his sister, however when AJ asked for more treat, his mother told him, “if you do not hit your sister then mommy will give you a treat soon.” AJ started to have a tantrum because he wanted the treat “now” and could not wait another 20 min. this was too difficult for AJ’s mother to handle since she is taking care of two kids therefore AJ’s mother and SW needed to modify their intervention plan.
They decided that AJ’s mother will praise her son when he plays nicely with his sister. In addition if AJ is aggressive, AJ’s mother will tell him, “we do not x,” and will warn him that if he displays behavior x again he will go into time out.
AJ’s mother just started this new intervention plan. AJ’s sister was playing in her exersaucer and AJ ran over to play with her. AJ’S mother watched him play with his sister and said, “You’re playing so nicely with baby, look how happy baby is.” AJ had a smile from ear to ear and felt proud; also baby was smiling and happy too. However at some point AJ hit baby, AJ’s mother grabbed his hand and warned him that he will go o time out if he does that again.  

1 comment:

  1. It is good to adjust interventions if the client is unable to implement it as designed. The positive reinforcement that is provided is combined nicely with punishment.

    I am unsure that warning AJ about giving him a timeout is a good idea. When this type of intervention is put into place, the child is usually not warned (as a warning is not really a consequence), but is put into timeout immediately upon displaying the negative behavior.

    Please understand that these blog posts are to be written as well and completely as any academic paper. Therefore, you should be checking your spelling, grammar, etc. before posting.
